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Parents - spotivity - SpotivitySpotivity is a multi-faceted platform tackling the teen boredom pandemic while creating business solutions to the wonderful programs that cater to teens.
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WordPress On-Page SEO: Step-by-Step Guide to Optimize Your WebsiteThis WordPress on-page SEO guide will help you choose a domain name and hosting, set up self-hosted WordPress, configure Yoast SEO, and more.
7. Mesorah of Birds Locusts - Halachic AdventuresAri Greenspan shechting a ring necked pheasant with Rav Yosef Kapach in 1982 -רב יוסף קאפח watching
1. The Mesora Dinner - Halachic AdventuresThe mesora dinner is the confluence of halacha and mesora through an elegant dinner with lectures on each topic. This halachic meal is a mesorah experience
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